Text Telephone (TTY) and ASCII
A person who is deaf, hard-of-hearing, deaf-blind, or speech-disabled uses a TTY to type his/her conversation to a relay operator, who then reads the typed conversation to a hearing person. The relay operator relays the hearing person's spoken words by typing them back to the TTY user.

Detailed Instructions
- Dial 7-1-1 for the Florida Relay Service.
- The Relay operator will answer with "Fl Relay OPR 8234" (for Relay operator identification), "F" or "M" (for Relay operator gender) and "GA." ("GA" denotes "go ahead.")
- Type in the area code and telephone number you wish to call and then type "GA."
- The Relay operator will dial the number and relay the conversation to and from your TTY. Type in "GA" at the end of each message.
- When you are finished with the conversation, type “SK†for "Stop Keying" then hang up
Alternate Phone Numbers
If the phone from which you are calling does not accept 7-1-1, here is a list of dedicated toll free numbers for each call-type that you can utilize for the same great service:
If you are using TTY equipment. - ASCII
If you are utilizing a computer.